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Hitta senaste FAQ för Promosoft SOLO


In our FAQ you can find answers to many of your questions. We have also included guides and instructions to make your everyday life easier. You are always welcome to bookmark this page in order to always have access to the dogs.

  • What determins Reorder Quantity?
    The value here represent the number of pieces that SOLO will suggest as a minimum on your order proposals.
  • What is included in the Disposable Inventory?
    Your articles Disposable Inventory includes Quantity on Stock, Orders yet not delievered minus any Customer Orders.
  • Reorder Level explained
    The valuere presented here indicates at which stock level SOLO will generate a new purchase proposal for the article. For example. 32 in Reorder Level means that when your stock balance reaches 32 or lower, SOLO will generate a purchase proposal for the item.
  • Service Settings on Item Card explained
    Large variations in demand can cause an uncertaintain forecast. To help SOLO calculate the risks, a service level is set for each of your optimization groups depending on how important it is to have the product availeble. The service level is directly linked to an articles safety stock and thus to its Reordering Level.
  • Calculated Service explained
    The percentage stated in this field is how well you meet customersa demand with your current stock balance. After each period, an actual average inventory value per item is calculated. If this value is higher or lower than the level of service that we control towards, then a higher or lower service has been achieved and the result is shown via Estimated Service.
  • What is MAD?
    MAD (Mean Average Deviation) indicates your safety stock and relates to how much the demand has varied from one period to another on a specific article. The value indicates the number of pieces that might differ (plus or minus) in relation to the forecast.. So 8 in MAD means that SOLO expects the articles demand to go plus/minus 8 items, beyond what the forecast shows. This data is included in the calculation of the ReOrder Level.
  • What is Freight Limit on the Supplier Card?
    Freight Limit refers to the amount after which shipping is free of charge and SOLO will than help you ensure that this is taken into account when placing the order. This via a warning symbol on the order proposal it self as well as via an extra warning if you place an order without reaching the amount limit. You also have the posibility to increase your topical order proposal and have SOLO select the most relevant articles for your order.
  • What is Amount Limit - Supplier Card?
    By specifying a minimum amount that the supplier requires for purchases, SOLO helps you ensure that it is taken into account when placing the order. This is via a warning symbol on the purchase proposal and an extra warning when placing an order if you have possibly not reached the amount limit. You can also ask SOLO to increase your purchase proposal to this amount with the items that are currently most relevant
  • What does Order row service mean?
    Entered value indicates how well the supplier delivers quantity per order line. Usage of this field will rusult in an increas in MAD (safety stock) due to Reorder Level being adjusted.
  • Lead Time Devaiation explained
    The field is a function foradminstrating differences in the lead time per supplier. If factor is added - SOLO will take this in to acount and ensure that the product is in stock throughout the total lead time. Normal leadtime + the deviation. Note that any deviation mentioned in SOLO is strictlyfor your own use and will never be availeble to the supplier.
  • What function has the optimization groups?
    To help us manage purchase propsals as well as optimize our stocks, your articles are divided into optimization groups dependant on their demand. This is done via a FGH, possibly ABC analysis in SOLO. The analysis helps us find certain items that move more frequently (F and A respectively) but are expensive to stock, which gives us the conditions to control these so that they always meet the service level but with the right safety stock. An article in, for example, F1 is classified as high-frequency but expensive, while an article in control group H3 is classified as low-frequency and cheap. The different steering groups are then assigned different service levels that represent the desired delivery capability to the customer. Products with high (F) demand should thus have a higher service level than products with lower (H) demand. There are also other functions in the optimization groups settings where you can differentiate how the articles are calculated: - Maximum days of cons. to Purchase - Stock holding rate (normally controlled at stock level) - Order Row Holding Cost.
  • What does the field Forecast AI mean?
    This is a future feature and is currently not activated for any customer. It will eventually be able to generate forecasts based on everything from weather to product groups and exchange rates.
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